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Restriction Series

This series explored restriction of different actions (speech, movement, hearing) as a means to render the wearer passive and obedient, much like a woman in a patriarchal society. 

Influence: Vessel explores how selective influences could shape the mentality of the listener and render them a passive vessel for propaganda and inflammatory statements. Over time, this one sided influence leaves the vessel destroyed internally and a mere shell of a person.

When worn, Movement: Vessel inhibits the wearer's range of movement to a simple posture of acceptance. This renders the wearer as a vessel for tangible objects and leaves them in a subservient stance.


Language: Vessel inhibits the wearer's ability to speak. When rendered mute, the wearer becomes a vessel for the words and desires of others, unable to voice her own discomfort or will.

Restriction: Movement: Vessel

Sterling silver, hollow formed

Restriction: Language: Vessel

Sterling Silver, forged

Restriction: Influence: Vessel

Sterling Silver, hollow formed, organic cast

Photography: Alexis Lorraine Howard

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